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MTSE Exam Date 2020. Maharashtra Talent Search Examination 2020

By Shahnawaz Sharif

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MTSE Exam 2020 | Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination (MTSE) 2020 – Modern Education Society has changed the MTSE Exam Date 2020. Now, the new exam date for MTSE is January 23, 2021. All the Student studying in Std. VIII, IX, or X in Govt. recognized schools are eligible to participate within the Talent Search Examination. MTSE may be a center of search and excellence to look for Talented students. Appearing for MTS Examination has proved to be useful as a preparation for the National Talent Search Examination. the bulk of MTSE Student have begin with flying colours at the NTS Examination. For more inFormation regarding MTSE Exam 2020, candidates can check below.

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Candidates must make sure that they satisfy the eligibility criteria before filling up the appliance Form. Students are advised to supply the valid address while filling the Form because it won’t be possible to speak if the address is incomplete.The important dates regarding MTSE Exam 2020 are provided below:

MTSE Exam Date 2020 ProgramMTSE Exam Date
Last date for submit of application Form07 Dec 2019
Last date for submit of application Form with late Fee Rs. 75/-21 Dec 2019
Date of Exam23 Jan 2021
Timing of Exam11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Availability Interview Letter15-20 May 2020
Interview will be conducted on for selected students of Std.25 May & 05 Jun 2020
Announcement of ResultSoon


MTSE 2020 Form ( MTSE Exam Date 2020)

Application Form for MTSE Exam 2020 was released at the official website. Candidates were also ready to download and fill offline the appliance Form from the link which is given below. Form must be filled and submitted on or before its last date.
Application Form: Process is over!!

MTSE Form Application Fee:

  • If the appliance Form is demanded by the School , taken from recognized co-ordinators – Rs. 150/- for every student.
  • If purchased from MTS office/coordinators – Rs. 150/- each
  •  If Forms are required by post for a Presonal student, then a DD or MO of Rs.200/- (Rs. 150/- + Rs. 50/- Postage) per student should be sent to MTS office. The DD should be drawn within the name of
    Hon. Director, MTS Examination, Pune and payable at Pune.

MTSE 2020 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibiity criteria for Maharashtra Talent Search Examination 2020 is provided below:
1. All students studying in std. VIII, IX, and X in Govt. recognized schools. Appearing for MTSE has proved to be useful as a preparation for NTS Examination. Majority of MTSE Student have succeeded in NTS Examination. However, appearing for MTSE isn’t a prerequisite for NTSE.
2. For appearing at MTSE std. IX, it’s not compulsory to possess appeared at MTSE std VIII.
3. For appearing at MTSE std. X, it’s not compulsory to possess appeared at MTSE std. VIII & IX.
Appearing for MTS Examination has proved to be useful as a preparation for National Talent Search Examination. Majority of MTSE Student have begin with flying colours at the NTS Examination.

MTSE 2020 Examination Pattern

There will be two written papers for all standards and can be conducted on an Same day for 3 hours with none recess between. The questions for the written examination are going to be of multiple choice type. Four alternative answers are going to be provided for every question and therefore the student has got to select the acceptable answer.

  • English / Marathi / Hindi / Urdu are going to be the medium of examination.
  • For MTS Examination student are going to be given one question paper having both the sections i.e. MAT and SAT and he will need to attempt these 200 questions in 3 hrs. i.e. 180 mins.
  • While in NTS Examination at standard X two separate papers for every section are going to be provided and students will need to attempt 100 questions from each section in 1.5 hrs. i.e. 90 mins.

MTSE 2020 Exam Center

For written examination, the centers are going to be allotted at District or Taluka places. To allot a centre of examination a minimum of 150 Students should appear for the MTS examination (Std. VIII, Std. IX and Std. X together). If the amount of Student is a smaller amount , they’re going to be allotted a close-by centre. Students will need to appear at the given center at their own cost.
Examination Center No., Center code, Exam. No. and place of examination are going to be communicated to the School by end of March. Students should collect the knowledge from school and write an Same within the boxes provided on the Acknowledgement and Admit Card. This inFormation also will be available on the official website.

MTSE 2020 Syllabus

The Syllabus for Maharashtra Talent Search Examination 2020 is provided below, candidates can check.
Paper I – capacity Test (MAT)
It will have a rather higher difficulty level than the capacity Paper of Studenthip Examination of Std. VII for Std. VIII, MTSE of Std. VIII for Std. IX and MTSE of Std. IX for Std. X.
Paper II – Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
For Std. VIII, Std. IX and Std. X the syllabus are going to be as per the School syllabus for respective subjects and classes for the whole school year . the Student should use the regular prescribed text books prescribed for the tutorial year. it’s expected that the scholar should thoroughly study the curriculum of the entire year.

MTSE 2020 Result

The Merit list of Maharashtra Talent Search Examination (MTSE) 2020 for Std. VIII , Std. IX and Std. X are going to be prepared at two levels – (a) State level merit list (b) District level merit list. All the Student appearing for MTSE 2020 Std. VIII, Std. IX and Std. X will receive their results at their respective schools by the top of June. the entire results of all the Student appearing for the examination also will be available on this website.

MTSE 2020 Answer Key

The answer key for Maharashtra Talent Search Examination (MTSE) 2020 are going to be been released for VIII, IX or X on the official website after the successful conduction of examination. Answer keys are usually made available online for the Student to offer them a thought of how their results would be, with reference tothe answers they marked during the Examination

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